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Swipe Right: How to Choose The Best Houseplant for You!

There is nothing better than seeing new growth on your monstera or vibrant new leaves popping up on your pothos plant. On the flip side, there is nothing worse than watching one of your houseplants dry out or start losing its waxy green leaves. We are here to remind you that there is a lot of thoughtful decision making (not much different than scrolling through a dating app 😉) that goes into selecting a house plant for your space. 

We know that when your plants are doing well and you are seeing continued growth with healthy, happy soil it seems to reflect our best selves and serve as a reminder that we are inextricably linked to nature. When our plants are happy, we seem to be too. Choosing carefully what type of plant and where it goes in your home is something of an artform, and luckily, we have A LOT of practice. 

So, what happens when you find the perfect spot for your new house plant? Before choosing a plant solely on its sculptural leaves, towering height, or blossoming flowers, you should consider these essential elements below, like checking for pests, humidity levels, and seasonal changes in light to avoid plant care stress and instead enjoy your thriving green goddesses all season long. 

1. Notice what type of light your plant is getting: 

Direct or indirect sunlight?

Direct light is when your plant is in the direct path of sunlight with no interference while indirect light is when something is blocking your plant from full light like a curtain, a tree outside, or distance from a sunny window. 

How long does the space stay lit during the day?

Be mindful of how many hours a day your plant is in different types of light. 

How does the light change throughout the season?

Watch out! The sun's path may change throughout the season. A room that once received 6 hours of bright light in the summer may only receive a handful of hours in the winter. 

Research your plants’ specific light requirements so you are providing the best environment for your plant to thrive in. 

2. How much are you willing to water and check on your plant? 
You simply cannot treat every plant the same as they each have specific water needs. Some of the most common problems with killing plants is due to over and under watering them. 

Putting your plants on a weekly watering schedule or using an app to tell you when to water your plants could actually be your plants’ demise. The best technique for knowing when to water a plant is to physically touch the soil to determine its moisture levels. Some plants will want to be watered once a month and others a few times a week.

It’s important to determine how much time you're willing to take to nurture your plants. For example, if you travel often or have a demanding schedule, consider getting a low maintenance plant so you can feel good about balancing both your life and the health of your plants! 

3. Knowing the level of humidity in your home is important to your plants’ overall health.
To begin, order a humidity gauge
here! Plants will want different levels of humidity just as they require different levels of light and water. It’s important to avoid buying plants that require a high level of humidity in a house with no humidifier or in an environment that is very dry. Incrementum loves keeping humidifiers in each room as the majority of houseplants come from tropical locations around the world and love themselves a humid climate to grow in. 

4. Be mindful of the size of the space.

Just like us, our plants grow in size during their lifetime so whichever space you select for the plant, remember that it has the potential of outgrowing the space one day. For example, a small bird of paradise might fit perfectly in a corner window but could become too big for the space a few years down the road. 

5. Seasonal factors to consider that may impact the health of your plant 

What was once a good spot for your plant in the summer may not necessarily be a good place for your plant in the winter or either or based on if you're keeping windows and vents open or closed.

6. What’s your lifestyle like? Peep these pet and baby-friendly plants 

It’s important to remember that many of our houseplants are on the ground and can therefore be in reach of both your pets and children. Check out Incrementum’s full blog: The Holy Grail of Pet Safe Plants to help you select the safest houseplants for your home. 

7. Checking for pests before you purchase 

Make sure you are sourcing plants from trusted nurseries and suppliers, for example, pests can hide out in soils and be hard to find after you’ve purchased them and they are in your home. 

It’s important to do pest checks on your plants before bringing them home or source from Incrementum where the team does this thoroughly and with expertise so you’re getting the healthiest, safest houseplants for your space.

If you are ready to invest in bringing plants into your home or are having a difficult time deciding where to place your current plants, it’s worth your while to hire a team of experts who can help you thoughtfully integrate your plants into any desired space. At Incrementum, there is nothing sweeter for us than seeing your plants grow alongside you.

Book a consultation with Incrementum!

  • Managing your home as it is can be a lot, so adding in the work of curating the perfect light, water, and humidity conditions for your plants can be overwhelming—trust us, we are full-time plant people! That is why at Incrementum we offer new plant consultations specific to your space with regard to light and humidity as well as curating beautiful visual proposals showing you the exact plants and pots we would place in your home. 

  • We offer plant care instructions as well as in-person tutorials after we have installed the plants to show you directly how to nurture your diversity of living plant life. We also provide plant check-ups, repotting, fertilizing, as well as baby-sitting services while you are away from home. 

  • Outside of selecting plants unique to your space, our team specializes in interior plant design to elevate your home interiors through the use of color, shape, and space to create a beautiful visual and energetic balance throughout your home. New Paragraph
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